Setting up an Apple Watch

SwingU supports Apple watches running WatchOS version 10.0 or later. The app does not currently support Apple Watches Series 3 and older.

Please take the following steps within the Watch app on the iPhone.

  1. On the main page and tap General.
  2. Tap app install and turn on Automatic App install.
  3. Tap watch orientation.
  4. Select the wrist you will wear the watch on and the crown  (they will be opposite)
  5. Back to General and scroll down to Enable handoff and turn on.
  6. Then wake screen turn on "wake screen on Wrist Raise.
  7. Under On Tap select "Wake for 70 seconds."
  8. Under "On screen wake show last app," check either "Within 1 Hour of Last Use" or "Always"

Apple Watch SE, 6 or 7 * Please note the following steps will differ from steps 7-9 listed above.

For users with a newer series Apple Watch you will not see steps 7-9 above via your watch and you will need to follow these steps in place of the ones listed above.

7. Return to the main menu, and under the “Display and Brightness” tab enable “Wake on Wrist Raise” 8. Tap “Wake Duration” and select “Wake for 70 Seconds” 9. Lastly, you will need to return to the General Settings and select “Return to Clock”, scroll down and tap on the SwingU app and enable “Return to app”Your Apple Watch should be programmed and ready to use with the SwingU app.

You will also need to make sure that you have enabled location settings to "Always" in your phone's privacy settings so the app on the phone can update the watch even when away in your pocket, as the phone needs to be within Bluetooth range to communicate with the watch.

The app and the watch will now be ready to use together.

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